Movie Review - LOGAN

                                     “Logan What did you do?”

With background song going on “ I hurt my self today!”

-                                                                    Logan   - Who is she?

Proffersor X -“ She is like you! Very much like you”

By ‘she’ they meant Dafne Keen. Dafne Keen have aggressively stole the whole show. At this young age, portraying this aggressive character with this level of massive action stunts and mature style will blow your mind.

James Mangold is a man of gold, as he turns a heartbreaking fact, which is the end of the era of Wolverine, into a heart touching one.

No matter how shockingly  Patrick Stewart as Professor X speaks “Logan you still have time!” this is the end of X-Men Origins : Wolverine Film Series.

Okay let’s move on -  

Hugh Jackman – This guy, I’m telling you he will never get old. He is agelessly handsome. Although he portraits the old wolvie (to see him getting old is heart breaking too) in the film but still easily steals heart and reminds us how young Logan looked like. They looked alike! J Wolverine at the year of 2029 with less recovery power and have determined responsibly towards Professor X. Although they shows us that we always have a choice to be a better us.
In a world with “no mutant left”, chemistry between Dafne keen and Hugh Jackman is something that will make your spine to be confined with the seats.  

This one is not an emotional plot, it is about awesomeness.

The film is full of Surprises – Brutality – Love – Bond – and BadAssness.

Boyd Holbrook – take a salute. Hats off to this guy. With the awesome acting of Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart and the Dafne Keen, this guy will take a place in your heart as he plays this massive brutal character flawlessly. With this heavy cast Holbrook just showed how much he have got and given the chances how great he can be. Sometimes don’t get me wrong, you will turn up to hate this guy for being so real at his acting.

Extraordinary part is – No matter how much brutal it gets you actually feel to be a part of the whole film. You feel good and you certainly will not be tired and will want more out of it.

The flow and the suspense of the movie are quite thrilling.

For X-man and Wolverine fans no need to tell anything. Don’t wait for bluray version go to theatre and watch. And if you are not a much of a X-man follower this film is for you too.

A question remains – What happened with the other mutants?!!!

Why from the beginning of the movie they are hiding at Mexican border?

Where are the others? 


  1. Really good review of Logan you have presented here. Honestly l think after reading this anyone who haven't seen Logan yet will be eager to see the last and best part of Wolverine Series. Hugh Jackman deserved it. And also hope we will continue to read more preview like this in the near future. Thanks and keep it up.

    1. Thanks for the positive feedback. Everyone's feedback who is connected to this blog matters. Stay connected.


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