Thor : Ragnarok

Countdown Begins for another Thor amazing sequel.

The 1st trailer of Thor – Ragnarok was released earlier last month and I am bit slow on updating this to you…
In this post I am providing a direct link to Marvel Entertainment, in case if you haven’t watched it yet.

According to me, this is the coolest marvel trailer so far.
The feature song is full of “hammer of God”
“from the land of ice and snow” , which is probably most suited background song for Thor.

Let’s talk about the villain.

Hela – Goddess of hell! Played by Cate Blanchett, who looks awesomely fierce in the trailer. A scene with her horns and all black attire is simply mind-blowing. Hela breaking Thor’s hammer is quite spin chilling.

Loki? – It is quite not clear which side he is in. In the scene after entrance of Hulk he looks quite surprised . This may be because last time when he met hulk, didn't end up good for HIM… You know what I mean right?

And a little trick Loki does with knives in the trailer with horns on head and green cape, depicts a character with unpredictable plan.

Awesome part is where Thor in his brand new hair and meets Hulk, in an “Gladiator Colosseum” like stadium. I like the way announcing master calls up the name of both superheroes. This, kind of sums up why these heroes weren’t in the civil war movie. They were busy with their own shit…

In credit scene of Dr. Strange movie, we saw Thor is searching for his brother Loki and father Odin. May be that’s how Hela ended up breaking up Thor’s hammer.

Another part of the trailer we see,
Thor with his cool attitude waves and says “Hi, there” and gets caught by some weird looking creature lead by a lady. This place appeared to be a huge junky yard, I am guessing this place is Sakar. Now we see a part where a lady is sitting on a unicorn with raising sword in attempt to start a war is the same person who was dragging Thor. I am pretty sure this character is Valkyrie, played by Tessa Thmopson.
There is lot unknown and may be that is one of many things makes this trailer uniquely awesome.

Hopefully future trailers may give us some more detail about the movie. To know it all we have to wait till November.  

Stay connected… Leave your comment and your views, as it’s your turn now.


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